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Liturgical Ministries

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay persons who assist the clergy (the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion) in the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned by the Diocese and the Bishop. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must be Confirmed Catholics. Training is available for new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

Readers assist at Mass in the proclamation of the Old and New Testament lessons and lead the faithful in the intercessory prayers. Readers should be comfortable speaking in front of groups and able to project their voices so that they may be heard by the assembled faithful at Mass. Training is available for new readers.

Altar servers assist the priest celebrant by carrying out various liturgical duties during Mass by bearing the Missal at the priest’s chair, assisting in the preparation of the altar, and by leading the procession as the Crucifer.  Children who are in the fifth grade and older are eligible to become altar servers.  Adults of any age are also invited to serve at the altar.  Training sessions for new servers are held at various times throughout the year.

Masters of Ceremonies are more experienced servers who assist in directing the altar servers and the flow of the liturgy at more solemn celebrations, such as Christmas and Holy Week.

The Parish Choir of men and women is open to anyone high school age or older. The choir sings a wide variety of music, including the propers of the Mass in various forms, as well as appropriate choral repertoire. The choir rehearses and sings at Mass from September through Pentecost.

Contact Gail Borgmeyer at the Parish Office (304) 525-5202 to volunteer for any of these ministries.

Social and Service Groups

The Women’s Guild meets once a month socially. They provide assistance to the parish in areas of fundraising, hospitality, and service. To get involved, contact Susan Garton at 304-544-3582.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas engages in creative and spiritual programs which provide its members with the opportunity to develop their God-given talents in meaningful ways that positively influence the welfare of the Church and all people throughout the world. The Catholic Daughters meets monthly. To get involved, text message Rosamaria Cervantes at 304-972-3335.

The Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph Council 963, is a Catholic men’s fraternal organization engaged in charity, prayer, and service. They meet the first Monday of each month from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. All men of St. Joseph Parish and other members of surrounding parishes are invited to join. For more information, text William (Bill) Hagy, Grand Knight at 304-360-4249.

Knights of Columbus Food and Personal Care Pantry for Catholic Parishioners

How often have you thought, help begins first at home? Now is your opportunity to put this into action. Some of our parishioners in the Catholic community could use extra assistance during this economic tough time.

The Knights of Columbus is opening a Food and Personal Pantry at 1429 Sixth Avenue–the pantry is through the KoC rear door closest to the parking lot.

Parishioners are referred to the pantry though local priests or parish offices, members of the Knights, Catholic Newman Center and members of our parishes. Anonymity will be respected.

How can you make sure that this effort happens?

  • Weekly/monthly collection items
  • A gift card, cash or check made out to the Knights of Columbus/Council 963
  • Volunteering to help organize the pantry
  • Volunteering to help staff the pantry during service hours

For more information, contact Bill Hagy via text message at 304-360-4249.

For ideas to stock the pantry:

(Please ensure no glass containers or foods nearing expiration dates

  • Box cereal
  • Shelf-stable Milk
  • Pop-top Soups of all varieties
  • Pop-top Entrees like chili, beef stew, etc.
  • 1# Dry Beans/Rice/Pasta
  • Sauce for Pasta
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Peanut Butter
  • Assorted Canned Vegetables, soup beans and fruits
  • Canned/Pouched Chicken or Tuna
  • Snack Bars
  • Coffee (small size instant/regular)
  • Bottled Water

Special Items for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter: small hams, frozen turkeys, stuffing mix, instant potatoes, frozen pies, etc.

Non-Food Items

  • Family-size toothpaste and brushes
  • Bar soap (Dial) and family-scent shampoo
  • Deodorant suitable for men and women
  • Women’s personal hygiene products
  • Diapers (adult and children)
  • Band-aids/Q-tips/Alcohol wipes
  • Disposable Razors and Shaving Cream
  • Cleaning supplies, Laundry supplies, bathroom cleaners
  • Paper towels
  • Kitchen-size garbage bags.

This ministry provides an after-the-funeral luncheon for the family of the deceased. There is a need for people to help during the meals -OR- you can be on the list to prepare and bring food when needed. To get involved, contact Gail Borgmeyer at (304) 525-5202.

Faith Sharing Groups

The Bible study group meets on Wednesdays at 12:30 P.M. in the Parlor and engages in reflection and discussion on various books of the Bible.  To get involved, contact Barbara Vance at (304) 638-2513.

Leaders of Children’s Liturgy of the Word assist our smaller children (Preschool through First Grade) at the 10:00 A.M. Sunday Mass in understanding the Word of God and incorporate various activities in the process. Virtus Training/Protecting God’s Children is required. To get involved, contact Nikki Cavalier at (740) 794-1118.