Liturgical Ministries

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering, and come before Him. Worship the Lord in holy splendor.” – I Chronicles 16:29

At Saint Joseph Parish, each Mass has its own unique character while still utilizing the same style of worship at each Mass.

Sunday 10:00am Mass is our principal weekend liturgy; the Parish Choir sings at this Mass from Labor Day until Pentecost.

Saturday 4:30pm Mass is similar to the Sunday 10:00am Mass, but has music led by a cantor and the organ/piano and does not have sung prayers.

Sunday 8:00am and 12:00 noon Masses are simpler liturgies with some music, but with most elements spoken.

Sunday 5:30 P.M. Mass is an entirely spoken liturgy, offering a more contemplative atmosphere for prayer.

Liturgical Ministers

To volunteer for any Liturgical Ministry please contact the Rectory at (304) 525-5202 and speak with Gail.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay persons who assist the clergy (the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion) in the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned by the Diocese and the Bishop. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must be Confirmed Catholics.  Training is available for new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.


Readers assist at Mass in the proclamation of the Old and New Testament lessons and lead the faithful in the intercessory prayers.  Readers should be comfortable speaking in front of groups and able to project their voices so that they may be heard by the assembled faithful at Mass.  Training is available for new readers.


Altar servers assist the priest by carrying out various liturgical duties during Mass like bearing the Missal at the priest’s chair, assisting in the preparation of the altar, and by leading the procession as the Cross Bearer (Crucifer).  Children who are in the fifth grade and older are eligible to become altar servers.  Adults of any age are also invited to serve at the altar.  Training sessions for new servers are held at various times throughout the year.